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Hydrangea Mania

This time of year our hydrangea plants begin to fill in with those anticipate large bouncy blooms. From a distance they beg for a closer glance but it is not until they are cut and placed into an arrangement that their true magnitude can be appreciated.

There is so much history, symbolism, and allure to the Hydrangea story. It is worth a read on a hot summer day when reading a book and being still, in the midst of the fruits of your labours, is a well earned break.

While these purple hydrangeas should be deep pink, they are equally as stunning. Added with white from our
"Pinkie Winkie" hydrangea tree, the early season white makes for such a beautiful cut flower.

It is such a simple arrangement but so elegant. A vintage violet vase showcases this design nicely.

We have a number of hydrangeas in our garden this year, inquire about the possibilities for your order.

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